What is Manual Therapy AKA Manual Joint Mobilization?

Reversible therapy for acute and chronic changes and degeneration of the supporting and locomotor system- it is causal therapy which not only treats the symptoms, but the root of them. During manual therapy, the therapist works with the patient with mobilizational techniques in order to loosen and relax the cramped, stiff body parts.

Who is manual therapy recommended for? Neck, back, waist, pelvis, shoulders, wrists, hips, knees, ankles, headaches (migraines, spasms), scoliosis, disc hernia, used for treatment after traumatic injuries, orthopedics (scoliosis, spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, rehabilitation before and after hip replacement), rheumatological changes (Bechterew's disease, rheumatoid arthritis...), traumatological cases (sprains, muscle tears, ligament tears, rehabilitation after surgery)

Manual therapy is a 50-minute one-on-one treatment: for the first time, after a body assessment, therapeutic manipulations are followed, then after performing the muscle tests, we send the patients home with individualized exercises and we set up the treatment plan, how many sessions will be needed and with what intensity.

From the second session, we always continue the process with reassessing the body’s  functionality and we finish with mobilization-stabilization exercises.

Performed by manual therapist Éva Hugyák.