The program and its results

  1. Transformation of the locomotor structure
    • What does it result in? Development of a new, more efficient muscle-fascia-joint structure
    • The advantages: a strong, flexible body, increased load efficiency, reduced risk of injury
    • Changes in professional life:
      1. A stronger, more weight-bearing body
      2. Acceleration, increased movement coordinations
      3. Reducing the risk of injury
    • Personal change:
      1. Confidence boost
      2. FReducing sport- realted fears
      3. Safe returning to the specific sport field
  2. Program Lezárása
    • Would you repeat the program? Do you need a new program recommendation? 1x-2 times a month, 1x control maintenance treatment, manual therapy
    • BONUSES: Possible recommandations for future Programs: participation in spinal yoga and fitness training

Our profession is our creed: professional rehabilitation!

We suggest this:

in case of multiple re-injury, in case of need for post-operative rehabilitation: for ex. after anterior cruciate ligament surgery, after meniscus surgery, in case of disc herniation, in case of muscle and ligament tears, in case of fractures, after reconstructive surgeries




At the beginning of the program, a 50-minute physical and manual therapeutic assessment by a physio- manual therapist. Muscle and joint functional assessment, which filters out muscle weaknesses and shortenings, joint wearing, and calcifications. Paper-based/e-mail-based evaluation of the locomotor system at the end of the survey.

Twice a week 50-minute physical therapy – all in all 8 physical therapy sessions

50 minutes of instrumental manual therapy once a week – all in all 4 Instrumental manual therapy

At the end of the program, a 50-minute by a physical and manual therapeutic assessment by a physio- manual therapist. Muscle and joint functional assessment, evaluation of the effectiveness of the completed program and restoration of remaining blocks.

PRICE: HUF 164,000




At the beginning of the program, a 50-minute physical and manual therapeutic assessment by a physio- manual therapist. Muscle and joint functional assessment, which filters out muscle weaknesses and shortenings, joint wearings, and calcifications. Paper-based/e-mail-based evaluation of the locomotor system at the end of the survey.

Twice a week, 50-minute physical therapy sessions -all in all 16 physical therapy sessions

Once a week, 50 minutes of instrumental manual therapy – all in all 8 instrumental manual therapies

50-minute manual therapy every two weeks – all in all 4 manual therapies

PRICE: 448.000 Ft




At the beginning of the program, a 50-minute physical and manual therapeutic assessment by a physio- manual therapist. Muscle and joint functional assessment, which filters out muscle weaknesses and shortenings, joint wearing, and calcifications. Paper-based/e-mail-based evaluation of the locomotor system at the end of the survey.

First month: 8 physical therapy, (twice a week), 4 instrumental manual therapy (once a week), 1 manual therapy

Second month: 8 physical therapy (twice a week), 4 instrumental manual therapy (once a week), 2 manual therapy

Third month: 4 physical therapy, 4 instrumental manual therapy, 2 manual therapy

PRICE: HUF 486,000